April 18, 2023Astrology
Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse
The upcoming New Moon and Solar eclipse over April 19th and 20th brings with it a powerful opportunity for transformation and new beginnings. Eclipses have been seen as potent portals of energy throughout history, and this one is no exception. It occurs in the sign of Aries, a fiery and courageous energy that encourages us to take bold action towards our goals and dreams. The spiritual significance of this eclipse lies in its ability to help us to shed old patterns and beliefs that are no longer working, and to embrace fresh possibilities and renewed inspiration. Can you let this invigorating energy push you forward toward what you really want?
At the same time, the energy of the new moon reminds us of the importance of rest, reflection, and renewal. It invites us to turn inward and connect with our deepest desires and intentions, and to set clear and focused goals for the coming lunar cycle. Meditation and journaling are powerful ways to harness this energy and utilize it in our favor.
Here are three prompts to consider:
- What fears are you willing to give up in order to step into your power?
- What are three qualities you'd like to cultivate in this new moon that would bring you closer to your dreams?
- Looking back at how far you’ve come, what is something you can celebrate about yourself right now?
If you are interested in diving deeper into this work, Ally leads a one hour moon circle for each new and full moon with specific breathwork, meditation and journaling exercises that cater to the unique energy of each moon. Join the eclipse circle here.
This moonscope is brought to you by Ally Maz, yoga teacher, author, breathwork facilitator, & entrepreneur.
Ally Maz is a yoga teacher, breathwork facilitator, and entrepreneur with over 16 years experience. She is the founder of the renowned teen girl empowerment company, Girlvana and a published author with Penguin Random House. Over the years, she has lent her expertise to companies such as Open, Adidas, Nike, Mirror, NHL, MLB and the NBA and is a legacy Global Ambassador for Lululemon. Ally is known for her heartfelt approach and creating brave spaces that inspire authenticity and transformation. She is a teacher of teachers and has created multiple training programs helping over 200 people become empowered leaders.
Ally leads self-development retreats and yoga teacher trainings all over the world, as well as monthly moon ceremonies over zoom. She currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
The content provided in this article(s) is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical or other professional advice. Neither Carson Meyer nor C & The Moon DE Inc. are liable for claims arising from the use of or reliance on information contained in this article.